The Playstation 5 gets An official release date

It’s time to put down the SNEAKRS app and time to pick up that PlayStation Controller again because the PlayStation 5 has an official release date. If you aren’t as ecstatic as this writer, then clearly you aren’t a true gamer.

Boasting haptic technology in the brand new controller, this indicates ‘with haptics, you genuinely feel a broader range of feedback, so crashing into a wall in a race car feels much different than making a tackle on the football field. You can even get a sense for a variety of textures when running through fields of lawn or plodding through mud’.

This is coupled with adaptive triggers which sees an update to the L2/R2 formats. developers can now add resistance to these buttons that give you the feel of the tactile sensation of drawing a bow and arrow or accelerating an off-road automobile through rocky terrain.

Launching holiday 2020, the PlayStation 5 is set to be one gigantic leap forward in the gaming community.